

Have a look at these muppet haircuts, a top five of the most bizarre barnets world football has had the privilege to witness. Now I know football isn’t about your mo-hawk or your fluffy perm, but when you see that one guy on the pitch who’s prancing about like a prized tit its hard not too take notice.

Djibril_Cisse_Large5. Djibril Cisse

First up we have the stylistic Cisse, now don’t let the Photoshopped image up top fool you, he’s a fashion conscious dude. Yet here it looks like someone wiped their nose on his head, then the rest of the team.

Higuita11 4 .Rene Higuita

Next up in the shame game is ex Colombian no.1 Rene Higuita. Best know for his ‘scorpion kick’ that set home fans either roaring with applause or a series of small heart attacks.

But If you look closely you can just about see the 1994 Colombian national side finding a retirement home in his curly locks.

Soccer - African Nations Cup - Semi Final - Nigeria v South Africa3. Taribo West

As we descend deeper into the crazy world of idiots with haircut appointments, we spot Taribo West. Well its hard not to spot him with his alien type antenna poking his team mates in the eye during every corner.

cam32. Carlos Valderamma

If you could achieve this naturally would you? There is a part of me that would, and live as a lion on the weekends. He does look a little like some candy floss creature decided to start a carrier in football.

chris-waddle1. Chris Waddle

Maybe its because I have a problem with mullets, maybe its because some of the ones above I actually kind of liked. Or maybe its because in this picture Chris Waddle looks like an epic twat.

From the mystical woodland setting to the gormless smile and to the business at the front and party at the back Waddle style. Well done Waddle you won, now return from whence you came!

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